How Does Doggy Day Care Work?
If you’re planning a trip away and your four-legged comparison won’t be joining for the adventure, you need to know that they will be lovingly looked after in your absence
What Human Food Shouldn’t Be Used As Food For Puppies?
It can be tempting to treat your dog a little too much, just because of their cute puppy dog eyes when you’re eating. But it’s important to remember that dogs shouldn’t eat the foods that people eat as it could make them ill. Dogs need a healthy and balanced diet, which doesn’t include several foods…
5 Reasons To Send Your Dog To A Kennel Whilst on Holiday
Dog boarding is extremely popular now due to the level of freedom it presents to you as a pet owner. It allows you to still enjoy your holidays and meet commitments whilst remaining a great dog owner. It also gives your dog a well-earned break in a dog hotel.
Top Tips for Walking Your Dog in The Winter Months (UK Edition)
Dog walking is a big part of your daily life when you own a pet. It helps your animal best friend stay healthy and is extremely enjoyable for everyone involved. However, things change slightly when the temperature drops outside during the colder winter months, and we might need to tweak how we tend to our…
The Importance Of Good Recall For Your Dog
Training Your Dog To Have Good Recall Dog training is essential to teach your pet to come to you when you call their name. This is also known as recall. It’s one of the most important things to teach your dog as soon as possible, but depending on the nature of your dog this can…
Training Your Dog to Come When Called
Getting a new puppy is extremely exciting. You’ll have a million cute photos to take, the perfect cuddly name to consider and with all of that going on, lots of people have a tendency to forget the really important stuff – dog training! Why Train Your Dog to Come When Called? Alongside ‘sit’ and ‘stay’,…
Keeping Your Cat Cool in the Summer
Summer has arrived, and we can all experience the effects of the heat on our bodies. This is something that not only us, but also our pets, can feel. While we all make efforts to stay cool including wearing lighter clothes, and drinking cold water, our pets cannot always fend for themselves in harsh weather.…
Keeping Your Pooch Cool This Summer
Any dog owner wants to keep their furry friend happy and comfortable all year round. Even in England, we’ve seen some scorching temperatures this year which means dogs could overheat. When dogs become too hot they will be uncomfortable and restless. Unfortunately, high temperatures can also cause a dog more serious side-effects, including heatstroke. With…
Signs Your Dog is Bored and How You Can Help
There are a few tell tale signs that you can pick up on when looking for boredom in dogs. Dogs generally become stressed and anxious when they’re bored. Their natural state is being the protector of your home and being part of ‘the pack.’ For this reason, boredom is a common issue in dogs when…
Travelling With Your Pet After Brexit
It has always been quite easy to travel to and from Europe with your pet until now. Even though your pet would need a passport, that’s all you would have to get to make them qualify for back and forth trips in Europe throughout their entire lifetime. Even though getting a pet passport has always…